On behalf of all members of the Asian Pacific Prostate Society, I would like to express my great pleasure in welcoming all of you and in hosting the 2nd Congress of Asian Pacific Prostate Society. The 2nd Congress of Asian Pacific Prostate Society will build on the success of its first event and further emphasize the notion that the needs for constructing appropriate guidelines for the diagnosis/management of various prostatic diseases for patients in Asian Pacific regions should be established. This year, the congress program is more focused on the prostate cancer which has been raised as a big issue for its steep increase in incidence rate in Asian Pacific region during the last 10 years, and will try to take a multidisciplinary approach to the assessment and management of the prostate cancer by informative lectures and variety of hot discussions throughout the whole day of program.
I strongly believe that APPS Congress has rapidly become the platform to discuss novel approaches, and share scientific and clinical data to benefit Asian Pacific regional healthcare professionals, clinicians and scientists in our fight against the prostate disorders, and also make opportunities for Asian Pacific urologists to get together and communicate specifically on the current trends in prostatic diseases among Asian Pacific people.
The Society will make continuous efforts to support ways for communication and cooperation among Asian Pacific urologic specialists on prostatic diseases. I and our organizing committee cordially invite you to participate in the 2nd Congress of Asian Pacific Prostate Society and to benefit from the experiences and opinions of world-renowned experts on various prostatic diseases.
I sincerely hope that you will maximize your opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with international eminent scholars, and the congress will grow into an important event in your calendars of activities.