Guideline for Registration |
How to Register |
Participants to the congress can register in advance (pre-registration) or on-site. However, pre-registration is strongly
recommended in order to avoid heavy registration at the congress site.
Deadline for Registration is February 18, 2011
Please complete the registration from and submit it with the appropriate fee by on-line.
▶ Registration Fee : Pay the registration fee at on-site. |
Category |
Registration Fee |
Medical Specialist |
US $ 100 |
Resident/Fellow |
US $ 50 |
2011년도 대한전립선학회 정기학술대회 등록자는 등록비 면제입니다. 개인 정보만 등록해주시기 바랍니다.
▶ Included in the registration fee for. |
Welcome reception, Abstract book, Souvenir |
▶ Registration Hour |
Registration will begin on March 3(Thu.), 2011 at Registration Desk, B1 Floor, the Asan Medical Center.
The Schedule is as follows:
March 3(Thu). 07:00~17:00
© by Congress of Asian Pacific Prostate Society. All Rights reserved.
Secretariat Office 5Fl., Sungdo Venture Tower, 165-2 Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-090, Korea
Tel: + 82 2 2190 7393 / Fax: +82 2 6455 7334 / E-mail apps@hanmail.net