Accommodation |
- Accommodation is provided to attendees of APPS with discounted rates. To benefit from discounted rates. Attendees should book no later than February 14, 2011.
- Please download the reservation form and read the detailed information. For further information, please contact each telephone number or e-mail address in the hotel.
- Transportation between accommodation and hotel will be informed soon
- The room rates will be added 10% service charge and tax.
Grand Intercontinental Hotel
Reservation Dept. : Phone: 82-2-559-7777
Fax: 82-2-559-7896, ic-reservations@parnas.co.kr
Hotel |
Room Type |
Single Occupancy |
Double Occupancy |
Grand InterContinental |
Deluxe Room (40SQM) |
KRW275,000 Smoking / Non – Smoking |
KRW315,00 Smoking / Non – Smoking |
Rooms for 2 nights (March 3-4 ) at Grand Intercontinental Hotel will be reserved under the name of our invited guests.
If you need extension of your stay, please contact the secretariat and ask help. (Website: http://www.seoul.intercontinental.com/eng/main_grand.htm)
© by Congress of Asian Pacific Prostate Society. All Rights reserved.
Secretariat Office 5Fl., Sungdo Venture Tower, 165-2 Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-090, Korea
Tel: + 82 2 2190 7393 / Fax: +82 2 6455 7334 / E-mail apps@hanmail.net